My cousin Victoria, myself and my Uncle Geof in beautiful Byron Bay, Australia - Thanks to Victoria for this recipe!
As you may already know, I only recently discovered Quinoa. It’s my new favorite health food! Check out my Quinoa post here.
My awesome, Australian cousin (Victoria!), sent me this Quinoa recipe. I tried it and it is delicious so I wanted to share it with you!
Quinoa Salad Recipe
You need:
3 cups cooked quinoa
Quarter cup E.V. olive oil
Quarter cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, crushed with a little sea salt
Three quarters cup crumbled feta cheese
Quarter cup toasted pine nuts
Quarter cup currants (I left this out as I don’t like currents 🙂 )
Few basil leaves, torn
Quarter cup finely chopped flat leafed parsley
Tablespoon finely shredded mint
200 g cherry tomatoes, roasted
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground pepper
To your health,
You Be Healthy