In and of itself, glucose (sugar) is not a bad thing. In fact, it is necessary for providing energy to cells. But when we disrupt our body’s natural balance-by eating too much sugar or too many carbs, blood sugar levels can fall or rise too quickly and lead to serious conditions including Syndrome X, insulin resistance, and hyperglycemia or diabetes.
Hyperglycemia is the overproduction of insulin by the pancreas in response to a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. Insulin regulates carbohydrate metabolism by controlling blood sugar levels. Stress and poor eating habits can create an insulin imbalance. During a meal, the insulin level is a determining factor in signaling the brain that your body is full. But low insulin levels will elevate glucose and cause you to eat more, and consequently gain weight. It becomes a vicious cycle, because overweight people burn sugar less efficiently than people who maintain a healthy weight.
Insulin resistance
Insulin is needed to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy, and is responsible for getting blood sugar into the cells. Insulin receptors on the surface of cells act like doors that open and close, regulating the inflow of blood sugar. Unfortunately, after one has consumed a high-carbohydrate diet for years, these insulin receptors, which have been besieged by insulin, begin to collapse and shut down. Consequently, with fewer doors open, the body needs to produce even more insulin to push the glucose into the cells. More insulin causes even more doors to close and as this cycle continues, a condition called Insulin Resistance sets in.
Insulin resistance can go undetected for up to 40 years, or until serious complications begin to surface. As the need for insulin rises, the pancreas gradually loses its ability to produce enough insulin to push the blood sugar into the cells, and an extreme case of insulin resistance develops type 2 diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes usually need insulin delivered by a pump or injection. On the other hand, type 2 diabetes can be controlled by exercise, whole foods, low carb diet, and nutritional supplements.
The new epidemic
An estimated 18 million Americans have diabetes, but 5.2 million are unaware they have the disease. Add to that another 20.1 million Americans who have a pre-diabetic condition that involves higher than normal glucose levels, but not high enough for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. How did we end up with what medical professionals are calling a full-blown epidemic?
Type 2 diabetes
It’s no secret that many Americans eat a diet laden with over-processed foods that are high in sugar, carbs and saturated fats. Although diabetes and other serious blood sugar conditions can be genetic, they often develop as a result of poor diet and lack of exercise. It’s no wonder then, that type 2 diabetes is becoming more prevalent in children and adolescents and now accounts for 90 to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes in the U.S. The disease is becoming so rampant, in fact, experts expect the incidence of type 2 diabetes to double during this decade.
Type 2 diabetes increases risk of serious long-term complications including cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, nerve damage, and loss of vision.
Lower your risk
The good news is that many people with blood sugar disorders and type 2 diabetes can control their blood glucose by eating a lower carb diet of fresh whole foods, exercising regularly and losing excess weight.
For some people, fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin are related to appetite, hunger, and food cravings – particularly for carbohydrates such as bread, pastries, and desserts. Nutritional supplements such as Banaba extract and Chromium can help reduce pre-diabetes risk factors by balancing blood sugar and insulin levels, reducing total caloric intake and encouraging moderate weight loss.
Make sure you know the diabetes risk factors and take steps to protect yourself.
To your health,