Dave Norona

Dave and I watched an inspirational video documentary last month called ‘Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead’.  It both inspired us and moved us to get juicing ASAP! 100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross (an Aussie with a great sense of humour!) is at the end […]

Our body’s pH – is it acidic or alkaline –  seems to be the new catchword these days when it comes to health.  This is why the pH testing strips (litmus paper) caught my eye at a health food store.  I knew there was a healthy pH balance needed in our body for optimum health, […]

13 Healing Powers of Lemons

by You Be Healthy

A great email came through today and I would like to share it with everyone!  It was from a wonderful company called ‘Conscious Planet‘.  Their products are fantastic – ranging from enzymes to hemp seed to probiotics – top notch! The email today was about the benefits of lemons.  I drink freshly squeezed organic lemon […]

I love yoga.  I love going to my local yoga studio.  I am not sure why it is so hard for me to get my butt out the door and into the yoga studio!  But it is a challenge.  I don’t have any problem going to CrossFit classes.  It is a strange phenomenon! I was […]

I stumbled across this fantastic video today! Find out what the single best thing is we can do for our health…. To your health, Kim You Be Healthy You-Be-Healthy.com Twitter.com/you_be_healthy Facebook.com/youbehealthy

Qigong for Health

by You Be Healthy

I am always looking for new health modalities to incorporate into my preventive health ‘program’ (aka Life!).  The most recent addition is Qigong which I love! I am currently taking a 6 week Qigong workshop where we learn exercises which can be done at home.  After doing these exercises, I feel serene, grounded, healthy and […]

The Power of Words

by You Be Healthy

This is a wonderful short film illustrating the power your words have on creating your reality and how changing them can truly change your life.  Much along the same lines as Dr. Wayne Dyer’s message that changing your thoughts can indeed change your life. Have a beautiful day, everyone! To your health, You Be Healthy […]

You are what you eat.  Food DOES matter! I was inspired and motivated after watching Food Matters.  It reinforced a lot of the knowledge I have obtained over the last 10 years and reminded me why I do what I do!   Everytime I watch this movie, I gain insight on something new. This documentary is […]

I came across a very interesting article in the NY Times today.  It explains why cilantro tastes like soap to some! “Cilantro Haters – Its Not Your Fault”. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/dining/14curious.html?src=me&ref=style Oh yes – and I LOVE cilantro! To your health, Kim You Be Healthy You-Be-Healthy.com Facebook.com/youbehealthy

Do not be fooled!  The new name for Aspartame is “AminoSweet”.  They are calling it a natural sweetener. How can anything that gets metabolized into formaldehyde by the body be considered natural? Read more > To your health, You-Be-Healthy.com Facebook.com/youbehealthy Related Article: Is it true that aspartame breaks down to formaldehyde?