How To Test Your Body pH

Dave and I watched an inspirational video documentary last month called ‘Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead’.  It both inspired us and moved us to get juicing ASAP! 100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross (an Aussie with a great sense of humour!) is at the end […]

I just discovered my new favourite ‘Greens’ product!  It is organic, Non-Gmo AND Gluten Free! Sunwarrior Ormus SuperGreens is a nutrient-dense greens product with ingredients sourced from ‘pristine ancient sea beds’ located in a volcanic region of Utah and Arizona.  They use a special cold-drying process which protects the phyto-nutrients making it a raw green […]

Our body’s pH – is it acidic or alkaline –  seems to be the new catchword these days when it comes to health.  This is why the pH testing strips (litmus paper) caught my eye at a health food store.  I knew there was a healthy pH balance needed in our body for optimum health, […]