
I love going to my local health food store and chatting with Alison.  She is FULL of interesting health info and I learn so much from her. Here is a short video of Alison talking about natural remedies for joint pain and inflammation.  She has great tips so check it out! To YOUR health, Kim […]

I had a slew of blood tests done as part of the initial assessment with my preventative health doctor. One of the tests was to for my GLA (Gamma-linolenic Acid) levels.  It turns out they are at 0!  My doctor reassured me that this is the norm for women.  Apparently women’s bodies gobble up this […]

My physiotherapist (& now my new friend!) lent me a fantastic book called Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. I am always talking about new and innovative health ideas and she thought that I’d like the info in this book. Well – she was right!! WOW! This book is just incredible. The recipes are delicious (over […]

I had a question from a reader who was diagnosed with Lupus.  They were wondering if I’d come across natural remedies to help with joint pain. I found some great info on Dr. Mercola’s website which I posted: Omega-3 Fats Can Improve Lupus Symptoms One Man’s Triumph Over Raynaud’s Syndrome, Lupus and RA with […]